Not too long ago, I wrote this post (link) on a Pizza Monkey Bread Recipe. My family recently made it again with a few changes and I thought I'd let ya'll know how it went so you can learn from our, erm, not mistakes, but, you know, instead of your own.
The second change we made was making half with biscuit dough instead of pizza dough.
The third thing wasn't really a change but, it was different than the first time. We made the garlic butter sauce like the directions said to do it.
The last thing we did differently was sprinkling cheese between the balls of dough.
Things We Did Different
The first change we made was the filling. We used hamburger meat, spaghetti sauce, and shredded pizza cheese. We like hamburger pizza so, we thought this would be good.The second change we made was making half with biscuit dough instead of pizza dough.
The third thing wasn't really a change but, it was different than the first time. We made the garlic butter sauce like the directions said to do it.
The last thing we did differently was sprinkling cheese between the balls of dough.
Things We Learned
Turns out we weren't a big fan of this filling. Just didn't think it had any flavor. After the fact, we wondered why we didn't do chunks of cheese since we had a block but, oh well. Coulda, woulda, shoulda.
I think I liked the biscuit dough better but, the rest of the family still liked the dough.
The garlic butter sauce reduced so much there was hardly anything to use and I think our garlic had gone bad because it didn't add any flavor
Adding the cheese between the balls just made it harder to pull apart which goes again everything Monkey Bread stands for. I highly recommend NOT doing this.
So, that's what we learned. We'll probably stick to doing it the first way for a little while before we think about changing it again.
What do you think? Have you tried it? What kind of changes did you make?
I'd love to hear in the comments.
Thanks for stopping by and have a good day.