Oops, Pinterest did it again. I found, yet another, bracelet on Pinterest.
Friendship bracelets were the beginning for me.
(Story Time. To find out about this bracelet, scroll until you see 'End Story Time')
Somehow or another, I discovered friendship bracelets on the Internet. Whatever website I was looking at said you should use embroidery floss. I asked my Mom if our local craft store would have it. She said she had some from when she did cross-stitch. Low and behold, she comes up with a literal and whole treasure chest of vintage embroidery floss.
It was fate.
Not long after, my friends were trying to think of a fundraiser for Tsunami victims in Japan. I suggested friendship bracelets. I learned how to make new bracelet patterns and developed something of a reputation as a bracelet maker, so much so, people thought it weird if I wasn't working on one.
There have been times were my fingers, my back, and my neck were so sore and I was so sick of looking at and working with my string, I wouldn't make a bracelet for months. Nonetheless, I always picked it back up again.
Now, I'm trying to make something like a business selling my bracelets and other jewelry items.
And here I am.
(End Story Time.)
Here is my version of the bracelet.
Unlike most any other project that I have gotten off Pinterest, I followed this one to a T.
I think I like the overall design but, I'm not crazy about the colors I chose.
Thanks for stopping by!